Thursday, 29 September 2011

Pit Girl

Scribante Race Track Day

Being a pit girl had its perks. Spin in the fab Audi R8, meeting fellow ladies and working with friends, watching awesome racing, divine barbeque lunchen and a rad helicoptor flip.
Nothing short of fabulous :)

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

How to run a half marathon

To sum it up: "A feeling of ccomplishment and self-worthiness. Priceless experience!"

How I did it: 

I’d only ever run 5km races when I mentioned to my newly best friend that I thought I'd die if I ran 10km. Slowly but surely she helped me turn 5km into 6km, 6 into 7 and 7 into 10km! Little did I know, she had run a half marathon (21 KM) before and convinced me it was the absolute most amazing exhilarating experience to accomplish such an achievement – especially after struggling to finish 5km in good time as I did and as she did when she first started running. All that was needed was drive, determination, training and commitment. We entered the South African Kysna Forest half marathon and started training! We followed an 8 week training program and followed the tips below. The BIGGEST help in the journey was having her there to support and push me and encourage me! Find someone with the same goals or encourage someone to join in on your goal with you! Don’t start training and then find a race. Pick a race – ENTER and work towards that race! It’s more motivating and encouraging and forces you to obtain and achieve your goal!

Lessons & tips:


Four Training Universals 

 - Rest means no running. Give your muscles and synapses some serious R&R so all systems are primed for the next workout. Better two quality days and two of total rest than four days of mediocrity resulting from lingering fatigue. Rest days give you a mental break as well, so you come back refreshed.

- Easy runs mean totally comfortable and controlled. If you're running with someone else, you should be able to converse easily. You'll likely feel as if you could go faster. Don't. Here's some incentive to take it easy: You'll still burn 100 calories every mile you run, no matter how slow you go.
 - Long runs are any steady run at or longer than race distance designed to enhance endurance, which enables you to run longer and longer and feel strong doing it. A great long-run tip: Find a weekly training partner for this one. You'll have time to talk about anything that comes up.
 - Speedwork means bursts of running shorter than race distance, some at your race goal pace, some faster. This increases cardiac strength, biomechanical efficiency, better running economy, and the psychological toughness that racing demands. Still, you
want to keep it fun.


It took me 8 weeks.

Monday, 26 September 2011


Bedazzle me silly*

youre with the angels now

May we see and think of you always. Rest peacefully.
We love you dearly. Forever and always.

A prayer for you

Dear Lord Jesus
May you take Aunty Sherene into your arms and breathe life into her,
May you clear the bleeding on her brain so the doctors are able to help her,
May she awaken from this coma and come back to our famliy.
Lord let her son arrive safetly from UK that he is able to see her.
Put your healing hand over her and our family.

We thank you
In your holy name

Monday, 19 September 2011

Past is the past

Sometimes all we need to do is forgive, forget and never look back

Bungeeeeeee Baby

BUNGY JUMPING with my one and only

To some it up: "Crazy, mad, insane, HIGH ON LIFE, Something to tell the children and grandchildren one day ;) kinda thing"

How I did it:
I had always wanted to bungy - It was the first thing on my "bucket list" of all the things I want to do before i die. Being such a huge experience the one person i wanted to share and overcome my fear with was my boyfriend, Jay, so I convinced him we should go together! Being as anxious as we both were we somehow we managed to pluck up the courage - it was a wake up and realize "you only live once" scenario. He decided that he'd take me as my birthday gift. It was great that way - going for a particular reason - celebrating something! I reasearched bungy jumping in our area and true as bob Bloukrans, our closest bungy site turned out to be the Highest Bungy Jump in the world - 216m above Storms River, South Africa.

Lessons & tips:
Dont over think it - JUST DO IT!
You will be so proud of yourself for doing it, overcoming fears, being extreme and adventurous and able to say "I did it - I've bungy jumped... I've bungy jumped the highest bungy jump in the world!"

Take someone special / go for a special occasio
n / get a group of friends and family and tick off BUNGY JUMPING from your bucket list!
And you HAVE to get photographs and the dvd - You cant even put a price on it!

If "HE" can do it... ANYONE can do it!

BOOK YOUR BUNGY at Bloukrans or for more info visit:

It took me 1 day.
It made me High on life!

Friday, 16 September 2011

New Office Attire

Black classis dress, blazer, gorgeous high pumps, mini purse bag, deep marron nail colour and some fantastic bling... Just another day at the office ;)

Thursday, 15 September 2011

How to organize a fundraiser for charity

"Most rewarding blessed accomplished and happiest expereince ever! I cannot wait to organise my next one!"

How I did it: My 20th birthday wish last year was to hand over to AURORA Centre for mentally and physically disabled adults and children, a cheque of funds raised from tickets sales and donations. With my love of fashion came the idea of a fashion show fundraiser. I requested friends, family and advertised that everyone purchase tickets to support my chosen charity, celebrate my birthday with me, and make it a time of giving instead of getting!

The fashion Show showcased clothing from 3 boutiques / stores as well as garments designed by two Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 3rd year fashion student designers. Amongst the models were 2 Miss Port Elizabeth finalists.

I listed all the things that would go into making a successful fashion show and started organising from the top to the bottom of my list. I contacted models to model for free in the show, contacted locations and set up meetings with the owners and had a superb club location given to use to use for the evening, and I had everything else donated, from the ramp to the DJ, to the clothing. When you organise something for charity everyone opens their hearts. Not only was it an event to remember and a smashing success regards to funds raised, but I had so much fun organising it and met so many new and interesting people!

Lessons & tips: Combine your love of something with your fundraiser and it is sure to be an exciting, passionate and rewarding event.

Get friends and family involved. Advertise in you local classifieds, fee online classifieds, you local radio stations classifieds, and submit a letter to your local newspaper stating the fundraiser you’re organising for whom, and why and they'll be sure to write up an article and publish it!

Resources: Search the net for ideas relating to the fundraiser you're organising to ensure you have the perfect checklist in both the organising phase as well as the smooth running on the actual day of the event.

It took me 3 weeks.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

The meaning of friendship ♥

True friendship is perhaps the only relation that survives the trials and tribulations of time and remains unconditional. A unique blend of affection, loyalty, love, respect, trust and loads of fun is perhaps what describes the true meaning of friendship. Similar interests, mutual respect and strong attachment with each other are what friends share between each other. These are just the general traits of a friendship. To experience what friendship is, one must have true friends, who are indeed rare treasure.

Friendship is a feeling of comfort and emotional safety with a person. It is when you do not have to weigh your thoughts and measure words. It is when someone knows you better than yourself and assures to be your side in every emotional crisis. It is when you can sleep fighting and get another morning with a better understanding. Friendship is much beyond roaming together and sharing good moments, it is when someone comes to rescue you from the worst phase of life. Friendship is eternal.

Im so grateful for true friends, and that I have a best friend as well as a partner.

Monday, 12 September 2011



With Port Elizabeth Ladies 100 Club. Visit the following link to enter:
Good luck ladies

i heart...

My new job at Skin on Main Skin & Beauty Centre!

Friday, 9 September 2011

My weekend ahead.. TGIF :)

Dinner at Ocean Basket

Morning spring walk

Manicure + paint

Supporting the BOKS first Rugby World Cup game

Cuddling and lying in with my man

Popcorn and movies

Sunday flapjacks

(See this link for my recipe)
