What an eventful and busy week at work last week. My favourite sisters were down from Jeffrey’s Bay and my Tuesday & Wednesday nights were filled with awesome catch up sessions, wedding chats & much more. So exciting!

Thursday night brought a ladies dinner club eve to the cards at the infamous Chingadas Mexican Restaurant. Nothing like even more awesome company, girlie chats, cocktails and a delicous quesidilla, working it off afterward having a good dance.
This past weekend yet working was pretty eventful in itself. I spent a great night in chilling with my man. We got to a wedding on Saturday, owning the reception of course, open bar, cascade, plenty laughs and thee best company :) Congrats again to Taren & Bruno! Not only did we hit the town afterwards with friends, we had a mad jol! Sunday saw a traditional outing lunch after work and an arvo of napping with a cosy 8'o clock movie.

Events whether positive or negative, and conversations alike can change worlds. Besides all the fun this weekend has been, it has been pretty life changing in a sense. If something’s happened to you or something’s shifted in the universe & turned your world the right side up, like it has mine, hold onto it and make the most of it. I can with all my heart say that I might not know HOW I’m going to get to where I want to be, but I definitely know where I’m heading, and that’s the most important thing. I am such a lucky girl to have such an amazing boyfriend in my life to love cherish & be happy with.
Thank you for this weekend.

Thank you for this weekend.

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